Tours of Sicily for students.

Itineraries & PlacesQuestions & AnswersAbout UsContact

Itin­er­aries & Places: What to see and how to see it. Your group's trip to Si­ci­ly be­gins with an idea. Here are a few words about what to see. (Shown: Seges­ta's Greek tem­ple.)

Questions & An­swers: How to plan your stu­dents' voy­age of dis­cov­ery. The prac­ti­cal de­tails that make it hap­pen. Things like flights, ho­tels and or­ga­ni­za­tion. (Shown: Queen Mar­garet of Si­ci­ly with Thom­as Beck­et.)

About Us: In­for­ma­tion about Gold­en Si­ci­ly, an in­ter­na­tion­al tour op­er­ator based on knowl­edge, ex­pe­ri­ence and at­ten­tion to de­tail. (Shown: Cac­camo Cas­tle.)

Contact: Our con­tact de­tails in Italy and the Unit­ed States. Let's talk about your trip. (Shown: Bust of Ju­lius Cae­sar in Si­ci­ly.)

A book by our directors.
We wrote the book on Si­cily's cul­tures, and we've done tours and events based on it.

American Society of Travel Agents.


It's more cultures than you can imagine. Sicily, the world's most conquered island, has a perennial appeal to students of all ages for the gifts bequeathed us by its trimillennial history of rule by civilizations from Europe, northern Africa and western Asia. Seeing Sicily is like visiting a dozen civilizations, over dozens of centuries, in one magical place.

And it belongs to all of us. Sicily is the world's island. It's yours to discover.

Sicily boasts some of the most impressive Greek temples, at Segesta and Agrigento, the most extensive display of medieval Byzantine mosaics, at Monreale, and the largest single display of Fatimid art, the painted muqarnas ceiling of Palermo's uniquely Norman-Arab-Byzantine Palatine Chapel. The cathedral of Siracusa is a Greek temple whose pillars are still visible. Europe's two oldest mikvehs are in Palermo and Siracusa.

Behind the place are its people. Over time, Sicily has been home to Greek philoso­phers, Phoenician traders, Roman gover­nors, Byzan­tine emper­ors, Muslim emirs, Jewish sages, Nor­man kings, Ger­man emper­ors, and some of Europe's most intrepid queens.

The landscape is stunning, with its rocky moun­tains, rol­ling hills, Europe's largest volcano, and a seeming­ly end­less coast­line. The winters are mild and the cuisine, a time­less fusion of cen­tu­ries of diverse in­fluences, is always entic­ing. Rice balls, sea urchins, aubergine salad, gelato and cannoli are just the begin­ning.

Sunny Sicily is one of Europe's most intriguing regions. It is an in­creasing­ly popular travel destina­tion. We're part of Italy, of course, but Italy is just one part of Sicily's eclectic soul.

While Golden Sicily can plan a tour for any group, the information on this site is oriented to those thinking about coming to Sicily with students. They may be university undergraduates, high school students, or even college alumni. We have also organized conferences and events.

We speak your language. We even wrote a book, Sicilian Studies, for professors seeking to teach their students about our island.

Our tours aren't only for students studying history and languages specifically. As the world becomes increasingly complex, an appreciation of the collective memory epitomized by Sicily should be part of every student's education.

We love Sicily, and we think your students will fall in love with it too. Our staff has been in this business for decades. You can expect attention to detail and a memorably enjoyable experience that is also educating, even illuminating. Our tours are formulated by experienced travel professionals, but they're conceived by scholars. Like Sicily's Norman-Arab architecture, it's an effective synergy.

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